
PSLF Coalition

Read More About the PSLF Coalition

In 2007 when PSLF was created, there was little information for borrowers to educate them on how to navigate the program. In October 2017, when borrowers first started applying for forgiveness, the GAO found that the PSLF program had denial rates upwards of 99%. Among the reasons for denial, borrowers were told that they did not qualify because they were under the wrong loan program or had the wrong repayment plan. The PSLF Coalition was created in the face of efforts by the Administration and some Members of Congress to eliminate the program.

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Fact Sheet: Charting the Path Forward for Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Fact Sheet: Charting the Path Forward for Public Service Loan Forgiveness

The Biden-Harris Administration released its plan for the PSLF program after the Limited PSLF Waiver ends on October 31, 2022. The Department still encourages borrowers to take the necessary steps to apply for the waiver by October 31, 2022. However, the plan includes benefits that borrowers with PSLF loans will receive in July 2023 as part of a one-time account adjustment announced earlier this year.

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